Historique Voir ICI
The bowser on the left is probably the Mark I and that on the right is probably the Mark III. The photos were probably taken at or near the works.
This may be the Mark V and the last of the three wheelers. Presumably the three wheel design was intended to increase maneuverability.
Pre-war examples of the Mk I, II & III refuellers - apparently initially named 'The T-B Refuelling Unit' - were used at the following civil aerodromes and airports (and probably at many others too):- Brooklands, Surrey (Brooklands Aviation Ltd); Croydon, Surrey ('Shell Aviation Service'); Desford. Leics. (Reid & Sigrist Ltd); Fairoaks, Surrey (General Aircraft Ltd?); Perth (Airwork Ltd's Reserve Training School); and Reading/Woodley, Berks, (Phillips & Powis Aircraft Ltd).
During WW2 improved and slightly larger versions - notably the Mark V - were ordered in quantity by the Air Ministry for military use and became a common sight at flying training schools such as that at Fairoaks, Surrey.
This advertisement, from The Aeroplane, 2nd February 1940, is for the "new T. B. Streamlined Tender". The advert refers to the need to supply several grades of spirit but the photos seem to suggest that this version of the refueller could cope with only two grades. |
Postwar, many of these mobile tenders also proved very useful at civil aerodromes and airports ? including Heathrow and Luton Airports. Smaller civil airfields, such as Biggin Hill, Elstree and Leicester East (Stoughton) continued to use Thompson refuellers for light aircraft even up to the 1990s. Other known postwar civil operators included Brooklands Aviation Ltd (at Little Staughton and Sywell) and the British Aircraft Corporation Ltd (at Brooklands/Weybridge and Wisley).
Apparently post war versions. But note that the photo on the left appears to have been taken in very much the same place as that of the Shell 3 wheeler above.
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