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The Mungo. (Einsatzfahrzeug Spézialisterte Kräfte)
The commandos and paratroopers are special forces. If the Americans need a logistics European troops and especially the French have a reputation for having only their rangers at their disposal.
That was true between 1950 and 1970 but in recent decades the airborne troops have at their disposal a range of vehicles specially developed for them. All start with the American Mule and the KraKra Germano French or buggies universal. The Germans have adopted there is little a range of equipment reserved for airborne troops and special troops specializing in sensitive operations and among this range we find Mungo History The TAP (Airborne troops) need for a vehicle to be transported by air to be delivered. Because of the fact that vehicle must obey at very precises specifications The Mungo is part of this type of vehicle and it his deivred now in 3 versions The Mungo 1 (this walk aurond ) is a small armoured truck with a crew of 2 men and able to carry 8 men The Mungo 2 Cargo is the version with a”ampliroll” tray can receive on its various funds for specific uses (sanitary goods or transmission)
The Mungo 3 is a more heavily armored than the other. The cabin is more protected and is has and NRBC protection
The firm KMW established in Munich KMW has received a contract for the development of an armoured truck that can be used by paratroopers. It must also be able to fulfill its mission five minutes after they disembarked
The firm thus receives a contract for 388 vehicles in 2005 It is based on a version of the civilian truck of the range M30 Fumo (Function and Mobility) marketed by the firm Multicar which is established in Thuringia. It is air transportable by CH53 helicopter or aircraft Hercules C130, C160 Transall and the future A400 M
Technical Data
Manufacturer KMW.
Weight 5.3 T standard 5.4 Mungo 3 Carrying Capacity T 2 Length 4.2 m Width 1.85 m Height 2.2 m Engine 4-cylinder turbo diesel to 2.08 l Speed limit 110 km but electronic 90 km Range 500 km Slope 60% Devers 30% Crew 2 + 8 mung version 1 and version 2 + 5 Mungo 3
Voir Aussi Autre Photoscope See Also Other Walk Around |
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