FNSS Kaplan20 Eurosatory 2018

Turquie FNSS Kaplan20 Eurosatory 2018
English Translation

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The vehicle is especially noteworthy due to its load carrying capacity, its open architecture features and the way it was designed to accommodate the equipment that is used in the vehicle in order to carry out different missions and meet user requirements..
The PARS 4X4 can be transported using any kind of military transport aircraft including the CH-47 Chinook heavy load helicopter.In order to reduce operating costs, many parts have been designed to have the same life-expectancy as the vehicle. Thanks to its power pack, which can be dismantled and installed quickly on the field, the vehicle offers ease of maintenance and logistic support.
KAPLAN 20 NG-AFV is one of the very few vehicles that have amphibious characteristics. Thanks to the two water propulsion systems located at the rear of the vehicle, KAPLAN 20 NG-AFV can perform in deep and fast flowing waters. It can perform pivot turns in the water and even move backwards. In addition to this, it allows the driver to enter the water without any preparation.T
he hull of KAPLAN 20 NG-AFV is manufactured and integrated using a ballistic welding technique. The hull and hatches are water resistant, and lids are water-proofed via seals. While the power pack cabin and the expanded driver area is located in the front of the vehicle, the gunner and the commander areas are located in the middle of the vehicle. The personnel carrier version can carry 8 troops in the rear, and the turreted version can carry 6 dismounts.Survivability provisions such as, reduced thermal signature, laser warning system and sniper detection and CBRN protection systems are also employed.There are also laser-protected glass periscopes that allows the driver to see outside with wide angle of view which provides, high situational awareness. Integrated night vision systems are standard in all variants.


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Principaux Collaborateurs:

Gimeno Claude (+)
Brams Jean Marie
Janier Charles
Vincent Burgat
Jean Pierre Heymes
Marie Christophe
Jouhaud Remi
Gris Patrice
Luc Druyer
Lopez Hubert
Giugliemi Daniele
Laurent Bouysse

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