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Dans ce village des Ardennes belges se trouve un fauve. Il y dort du sommeil du juste depuis plus d’un demi-siècle.Quel est donc ce fauve des Ardennes. ?
Comme j’ai dit plus tôt ce tigre de a été sabordé par son équipage dans la nuit de Noël 1944. Il a servi ensuite de cible aux soldats américains qui ont tiré dessus pour percer son blindage avec leurs bazookas. La légende veut que ce blindé qui devait être livré aux aciéries de la vallée de la Meuse. Pour être découpé et fondu échappa à son triste sort grâce à une habitante du village qui proposa aux mécaniciens américains de l’échanger contre une bouteille de cognac. La légende a telle un fond de vérité ??? Il resta ainsi jusque dans les années 70 date à laquelle il va être restauré. L’intérieur a été saboté et est donc détruit il est actuellement inaccessible les trappes ayant été soudéesL’extérieur a donc subi plusieurs restaurations : Il retrouvera un frein de bouche frein qui soutenait une partie du toit d’une grange voisine et le blindage a été restauré de façon très habile pour cacher les tentatives de destruction de 1944.Il reçoit de temps en temps un nouvel habit ce qui fait que si vous passez actuellement par La Gleize il se peut que le char ne soit pas habillé de la même façon
Pour plus de renseignements sur le tigre royal voir ici
Je remercie Jean Marie Brams (Belgique) et Massimo (Italie) pour le prêt de ces images
The Koningter of La Gleize
In this village of Belgian Ardennes live a wild animal He sleeps of the sleep of the righteous man there for more than half a century. Which is therefore this wild animal of Ardennes.? Gleize is a delightful village of Belgian Ardennes which was the theatre of a battle during the offensive of Ardennes which took place at the end In this village of the Belgian Ardennes is a fauve. There sleeps the sleep of the just over half a siècle.Quel is this Ringlet Bulge. ? La Gleize is a charming village of the Belgian Ardennes, which has been the scene of a battle during the offensive of the Bulge, which took place at the end of 44 years. That the city was then located on the endpoint for the advancing German armies during this offensive This char tiger abandoned on Christmas Eve in 1944 belonged to the company of 2 ° 501 ° Abteilung commissioned by Von Westernhagen who fought under the command of Oberstrumfürher Dollinger in the ranks of Kamppfgruppen Peiper
To better understand its history book you a little summary of the Ardennes offensive. The offensive in the Ardennes The Allies have landed in June 1946 on the Normandy coast at the end of August 44 they are in Paris and the beginning of September 44 they are Bruxelles.Du eastern front side with the Russians Operation Bagration of June 44 had been subjected to a German army second Stalingrad. Already allied strategists believe that the war is over for Christmas.
But the German side, Hitler succeeded despite the opinion of some of its marshals and generals to impose an offensive that for him must be a repetition of the victorious 1940 offensive Indeed German troops must break through the front in the Ardennes using Roads very little known or used to darken and Antwerp. A lot of equipment and supplies are devoted to this offensive last chance . Time being part of the Allied Aviation can not take off due to bad tempsElle begins on December 16, 1944 by a massive attack armoured percent of the American front. Troops Among these is the Kampfgruppen Peiper which darkens westward regardless of its wings or its rear. On December 17, it disrupts all armored units unfortunately these troops commit the massacre of Malmédy.Le December 18 attack it Stavelot and seized a bridge over the AmblèveMais all other bridges were destroyed by the genius that the U.S. 'obligation to walk for miles and utilize the precious fuel of the armoured vehicles, it is quickly isolated all alone far from the German lines in the offensive edge in La Gleize. Between December 19 and December 22 American pressure is growing stronger and on December 23 it is to encircle La Gleize. Receives Order fallback what is done during the night of 24 to 25 December 1944 . Il abandons all its equipment for the wounded and retreating eastward towards the German lines to join shortly after i It is on the ground 135 véhicules.2 survived the battle is 1 in Aberdeen and the other is a tiger which is presented in this photoscope The story of the royal tiger
As I said earlier this tiger was scuttled by its crew on Christmas Eve 1944. He served then target the American soldiers who shot to pierce his armour with their bazookas. Legend has it that shielded who was to be delivered to the mills of the Meuse valley. To be cut and melted escaped his plight through a resident of the village who proposed mechanics of the American exchange for a bottle of cognac. The legend has such a background of truth? He remained so even in the 70 years when it will be restored. The interior has been sabotaged and is destroyed is currently inaccessible traps have been soudéesL'extérieur has undergone several restorations: He found a brake brake mouth of a party that supported the roof of a nearby barn and was shielding restored to a very clever to hide attempts to destroy 1944.Il receives from time to time a new dress so that if you pass by La Gleize currently it is possible that the float is not dressed the same way For more information on the tiger royal click here
Thanks at Jean Marie Brams et à Massimo for the Pics |
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