Canon Anti Aérien 20 mm Oerlikon 2cm Tunul Antiaerian 2cm Mod. 1938 Bucarest

Oerlikon 2cm Tunul Antiaerian 2cm Mod. 1938  Bucarest
English Translation


Historique Voir ICI
Historique See Here
Avec l'assouplissement des dispositions du Traité de Versailles le 1e canon Flak de 20mm mis en ouevre par l'armée allemende fut construit par la société suisse Oerlikon . Ce fut le 2cm FLAK 28
Cette arme très fiable pour l'époque a été adoptée par de nombreuses autres pays
'arme pourrait être utilisée sur roues avec Spreizlafette .Sur terrain difficile, l'arme peut être démontée et transportée  par des animaux de bât.
Pour la mettre en eouvre il fallait une équipe de piece de  4 hommes
Le tireur qui vise à l'objectif via l'organe de visée Linealvisier 21 rest responsablle aussi del'alimentation  qui est fourni par 2 servants
D'une puissance de feu equivalente aux FLAK 30 et 38  il fut utilisé jusqu'à la fin de la guerre
Ce canon de  20mm Model 38 est une importation venant d'Allemagne construit par  Gustloff.

After relaxation of  the Treaty of Versailles  the first 20mm gun flak for german army  was built by Swiss company Oerlikon and introduced as flak 28th
This gun was very reliable and at that time many European armies buy this gun
It is a blowback operated, mass locking and ignition lead. After pressing the shutter, the shutter by the pressure of the crowd surged forward and took it Vorholerfeder with the lowest cartridge from the patch from above 15-round magazine.
Shortly before the end of the flow line lit a firing pin, the cartridge. By the gas pressure, the mass closure was accelerated backwards and it ejects the empty shell shot through the ejector.

The weapon could be used either on wheels with Spreizlafette screwed without the plug with a third wheel strut as a tripod or without a carriage on a base. In difficult terrain, the weapon could be disassembled and transported on pack animals.
To operate four gunners were needed. The gunner aimed at the goal of the ruler Linealvisier 21 and pulled the trigger. The two gunners sight presented distance and direction, a rear sight and the gunner was responsible for loading the ammunition feed.
Since the power is about the equivalent of Flak 30 and 38, the Flak 28 was used until the war ended in the home area. Due to different sleeves even a special production for the Flak 28 was established.
This weapons 20mm model 38 was a German import which was originally built by Gustloff.


Caractéristiques Technical Data
Poids  Weigth 483kgs
Equipe de piece Crew 4
Poids obus  shield weigth 300grs

Voir Aussi See Also

Oerlikon 2cm Flak 28 Overloon
Oerlikon 2cm Flak 28 Bruxelles
Oerlikon 2cm Tunul Antiaerian 2cm Mod. 1938 Bucarest



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Principaux Collaborateurs:

Gimeno Claude (+)
Brams Jean Marie
Janier Charles
Vincent Burgat
Jean Pierre Heymes
Marie Christophe
Jouhaud Remi
Gris Patrice
Luc Druyer
Lopez Hubert
Giugliemi Daniele
Laurent Bouysse

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