AMX30 B2 Démineur Opération Daguet 1991 On August 9th , 1990 the world is waking up with hangovers Iraq invaded Kuwait. It must be said that the United States gave the Iraqi president a little freedom of movement and that the U.S. ambassador in Iraq was absent from the capital during this crucial period. The Iraqi president believed that its war against Iran in which he was supported by westerners would enable him to anything and everything he believed that the Gulf oil monarchies him would be grateful
It is true that during the eight-year Iran Iraq war has faced two Muslim countries but in the background is the struggle of a moderate and modern Arab state t a Arab state supporter of the Islamist rigorous. The damage humans on both sides were enormous and also financials losses So when the two sides bloodless sit at the negotiating table and conclude a cease-fire the Iraqi Raïs believed it was time for him to receive dividends by requesting cancellation of all or part of its debt from the oil monarchies and western states because the war had ruined Iraq. After a inadmissibility of his request undertakes the process, which ended 13 years later with the fall of Saadam Hussein. Indeed, the raïs engages in a headlong rush to its neighbours by threatening military attacks and especially in naming its enemy Israel by promises of nuclear fire It also displays the components of a bomb at a press conference in 1989 The USA staging (knowingly or…) at Saadam Hussein that he can do what he wants. Indeed statements of the U.S. ambassador in Baghdad are unclear and so after the refusal of the oil monarchies of alleviating its debt and believing that the United States would not intervene ,on August 2sd 1989 he launched his troops in the assault of Kuwait, a country that will be conquered quickly after a brief resistance. Immediately a coalition formed under the auspices of the USA with the blessing of the UN. Operation Desert Shield for the USA Salamander France Locusta for Italians or Granby for lesAnglais are converging on Saudi Arabia for thousands of men tanks and aircraft. Despite the resolutions of 1666 UN Iraq refuses, therefore, to evacuate Kuwait and annex the same as 13 ° province. The psychological warfare is a step to the front with various statements, hostage-taking and war embassies. Diplomats are trying by all means to avoid war. But l mid February 1991 all appeals are exhausted and the Coalition goes on the offensive with Operation Desert Storm First the offensive will air for 15 days the United States and its allies are going to bomb Iraqi troops to soften. Then on March 3th in the day British French American and allied troops attacked Iraqi forces on the ground exhausted Within three days it is all done and the Iraqi army withdrew from Kuwait by leaving equipment on site in large numbers and especially the oil wells on fire. In this war psychosis in gas attacks was omnipresent. The war of the cities also with the firing of missiles and especially mine polluting the sites of these deadly devices. Germany, which may not participate in this war, however, has supported it by a financial effort and equipment by offering more gear recognition NRBC and offering to France mine clearance equipment issue from the former Warsaw Pact This material was transferred gratis as a contribution to the war effort will be mounted on the chassis of the AMX 30 Remote controlled this machine will be able to clean up a corridor in the minefield It is currently on display at the Museum of Saumur tanks and it is unique in the world
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