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Mais comme chaque fois l’apparition d’un nouveau concept de matériel entraîne parfois une mise au point un peu plus laborieux. Le positionnement de la pièce d’artillerie en tourelle lui confère la possibilité de tir en azimut de 360 ° et en site de -5 à+65 °
Actuellement ce système n’aura pas de successeur dans cette classe là. Il va être remplacé par le Caesar système monté sur un châssis de camion plus mobile et aérotransportable
The AMX 30 AuF 1
The French artillery at the end of World War 2 ° is equipped with American material. For SPG whe found the Priest who is in endowment in the regiments Soon a new material is studied whit the AMX13 ; The chassis of the new tank has been adapted to provide 2 types of gear for artillerymen This generation equipment had been designed without taking into account the threat NRBC; And in this category whe found the AMX13 Has nothing to envy other devices over the calibre 105 mm is regarded as obsolete History
Also for conter the NRBC threat and to equip the French artillery with an effective a weapon then the construction of the AMX 30 MBT it was asked at the manufacturers to try to adapt a turret with a piece of artillery on the chassis.
Specifically we must put in the armored turret the new gun F1 TR 155 which is at the prototype stage.On December 16th 1969 the 1st note is issued by the EMAT and the project is finalized on January 16th 1970.On April 9th 1970 an advisory group was set up to study the various components of the weapon system. The system must be self-highly mobile and should ensure a direct as indirect fire against identified targets. The range must be 3Kms least 35 Kms. To achieve enormous fire power (6 shots in 45 seconds) firing must be automated hence the name given at the beginning to this SPG 155 GCT(grande cadence de tir). In addition mounting turret gives him an opportunity shooting in azimuth of 360° degrees and site of -5 to +65 ° The studies are well underway and early 1972 the first vehicle is ready The 1st prototype is delivered on January 11th 1972 and has the silhouette of the craft final. It is characterized by balancers projecting externally on the mask of the gun. Thereafter, balancers will be positioned in the interior of the turret.
But as always at the emergence of a new concept of material the beginnings are more laborious. The positioning of the barrel in turret gives it the possibility of shooting in azimuth of 360 degrees and site of -5 to +65 ° The firing and the automatic loading system will lead to a development a little longer than expected. Also to avoid delay in the programme it was decided to test 2 conducts of shooting
A version with rate of fire of 3coups per minute and the GCT version ; But it has been planned that for equipment with the GCT system has a backup system with semi-automatic In 1975 the P3 and P4 pass successfully tested in 1976 and shot the P6 closing the testing phase. At this point it remains to perfect the munition which will be done with the P7, which is in fact the P3 upgraded In 1978 the construction can start and the first vehicles of series arriving in regiments in 1979 .Since he had a long career in the French army with 32 Auf 1/ regiment (4 batteries to 8 pieces each). It maneuver with AMX 10 ATLAS (Automatisation des Tirs et des Liaisons de l'Artillerie Sol-sol) But it has not been know a very successful for export (purchase price high enough). Saudi Arabia has risen to 51 command systems with AMX10 VOA Iraq has acquired 85 systems that has been used against Iran and during the Operation Desert Storm and OIF lately The gunners of the French Army integrated into the RRF had used the Auf 1 in 1995 on Mount Igman to muzzle Serb troops who bombing Sarajevo.
Currently this system will have no successor in this class He will be replaced by the Caesar system mounted on a truck chassis and more mobile air transportable In contrast to the 271 AU F1 in park the French army has 177 AUF1 and 94 AU F1 T (with GPS).
Also a update period stretching from 2003 to 2009 is previous It will focus on the recovery of AMX30B2 chassis, re-powered with an engine Renault / Mack E9 developing 750 hp. This engine is coupled with a semi-automatic BAV, giving the system a power / weight ratio of 20% higher than the original configuration. It provides the system mobility and manoeuvrability identical to those of tanks. ;104 AUF1 will be placed at the level AUF1 TA, integration with a terminal ATLAS and 70 others will be finalized AUF2 standard, in place of a tube of 155 mm/52 calibre, automatic loading of modular charges (CACM), and integration and a terminal ATLAS.
It is a AMX 30 MBT who received a turret housing a barrel of 155 mm The chassis is composed of 5 wheels and 5rollers supports, the sprocket is at the rear The vehiclet has undergone a recent lifting which saw the change in the Motor with it an extension of the chassis. He has the same cartpillar then all the Amx 30 float
The turret It was designed to be mounted on any AMX30 tank chassis, T72 (Indian attempt), T80, Leopard, Leclerc This piece has its automatic supply system. At the back of the turret 42 shells separate cartridge are ready-to-use,are stored in racks The turret is like a big rectangular box The barrel pass generously the turret via a mask cannon bolted. The top turret has a cupola for the chief of vehicle which can be armed with a MG (12.7 or possibly 7.62 mm ) Left and right sides of the turret are drilled through a door allowing easy access to the turret which is protected NRBC . This turret gives it a distinctive silhouette On the front of the turret is located 2 smoke dischargers placed at the front left and right of the turret. The barrel has a huge fly far beyond the front of the vehicle, it has its end of a brake mouth has two vents. The AUF1 can fire various types of projectiles but in general the majority of the shells are HE The Auf 1 has 36 HE shells and 6 smoke shells When the vehicle needs to be refuelled the operation is carried out quickly via the rear of the turret in 15 minutes by the crew of 4 men. Reloading the rake can be carried out even if the machine fire The rate of fire is 8 shoots per minutes. The chief of vehicle can order fire shot by shot or a burst of 6 shots every 45 seconds. The GCT fact that when the burst arrives on the goal when AUF 1 have already left their shooting position For loading semi-automatic or manual the rate his 3 shoots per minute. Munitions are HE Flares, enlightening and ammunition under the maximum range is 40 Kms These shells are compatible with the 155 TR F1
Manufacturer AMX
Weighing 41 Tons Length 10.23 Width 3.15 Height 3.17 without the machine gun from 12.7 Crew 4 Engine Hispano Suiza HS110 for the first versions Engine Renault / Mack E9 developing 750 hp for the latest models Speed Highway 60 Kms Autonomy 450 Kms Weaponry 1 barrel of 155 powered 84 shots The range includes shells in a munitions or cargo shells (grenades, anti-tank mines, ammunition intelligent), 155 HE, smoke and enlightening 12.7 with 800 cartidges 4 DREB
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