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Les enseignements de la guerre d'Espagne ont permis aux états Majors de certains pays de mettre au point de nouvelles tactiques et de modifier certains matériels. Les Allemands furent de ceux là. Entre autre le canon 8.8 avait montré certains défaut qui furent rapidement modifié pour en faire une arme redoutable. Ainsi vit le jour la version Flak 36 et très rapidement la version Flak 37.
The 36 Flak
The lessons of the Spanish civil war have enabled some HQ of some countries to develop new tactics and modify some equipment. The Germans were the ones there. Among other guns like the 8.8 showed some defects which were quickly changed to make it a formidable weapon. Thus was born the Flak 36 and very quickly the Flak 37.
As to the declaration of war the Wehrmacht had fielded three types of 8.8, the Flak18 the Flak 36 and the 37. The denomination also spent "Flugeuabwehrkanone" to "Flugabwerhkanone. Employements were also codified in the summer and a manual job came staffing in the units. This manual provides the basis for the Blitzkrieg, It says among other things that "detachments of assault followed a short distance by anti-tank guns and 8.8 stain that will reduce any enemy pockets of resistance. In December 1939 the Wehrmacht had online anti 9,000 guns -- air which 2600 were 8.8 and 105 mm. The lessons of the Spanish Civil War led to changes on certain materials and Flak 18 was on of them. If the weapon system gave satisfactory on the whole, had appeared some imperfections.
First, the system of running gear, which was amended. The front and rear axles became interchangeable (while on version 18 Flak the front axle with a series of simple tire on newer, trains tires were doubles) and mud guards lost style car ot the 30th to adopt the silhouette that we all know. The tube was also amended. It is in 3 parts, wrapped in a mantle, and this system allows a tension force of this one in any position and especially handling faster when switching tube. The characteristics and performance are similar to that of Flak 18. The 37 Flak The major change in this version is the adoption of a system of firing control and monitoring targets. Other dials on the left side of the cradle of the weapon can give the target coordinates to the touch. The coordinates of the target are given to "Funkmessgerate" or Prédictor which is a computer before the hour. This one calculates the height of the target and give the shooting parameters for resolving shells. Staff previously assigned to this task can be freed for other functions within the battery. The tube of the weapon is in two parts. The Flak 37/41 Later another version of 8.8 was developed from Flak 37. A new gun with the same dimensions as the Flak 37 but with a broader room was adopted. But only 12 rooms were built. Walkaround of Saumur (before restauration) Walkaroun of Viervilles Walkaround of Bruxelles Walkaround of Munster et de Full Walkaround of Novion ![]() Specifications
Caliber 8.8
Weight room 6.2 Tonnes Weighing 5.2 tonnes battery Length 7.62 Width 2,305 Height 2.48m Length barrel 4.93m Shooting Azimut 360 ° site -3 ° / +85 ° Service ceiling 10000 metres Reaching artillery support 14500 metres
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