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Durant la deuxième guerre mondiale les allemands avaient une arme terrible pour arrêter et détruire les chars. Cette arme avait pour nom le canon de 88.
PaK 43/41
During World War II the Germans have a terrific weapon to stop and destroy ennemies tanks. This weapon has a name It is the 88.
The barrel of the gun and 88 anti-air and anti-tank best is the best known in the world. Its origins date from the 20th . Itself, it is following a programme of the WW1 who was named Flak 18. In 1930 the silhouette of this canon is frozen. Earmarked for the Wehrmacht and the Luftwaffe, this weapon was used during the Spanish Civil War as anti-aircraft weapon. Legend has it that during this Civil War German troops of the Legion Condor have used guns to stop the offensive of 8 Republicans Tanks. At the beginning of WW2 this weapon has been used both as anti-tank or anti aircraf weapon. He was the versatile weapon by excellence of the German army. The barrel of Flak 18, is remplaced by the Flak 36 / 37. Faced with the success of this formula German engineers decided to create a family of weapons around this gun The studies were pushed further under the name Gërat 42. Having found that the power of the weapon came to its limits, engineers decided to improve The engineers therefore developed a new anti-tank gun under the name PaK 43, which was a powerful weapon, but also impressive. It would require use of a tractor heavy for any movement. Faced with the demand for anti tanks pieces it was therefore decided to enhance the gun in order to make it more mobile Thus was born the canon of PaK 43/41 which is actually a collection of various elements from different parts. He was baptized Sheunentor or barn door. The gun is mounted on a carriage extrapolated from the howitzer FH 18 to 105 mm ,and the running gear comes from the barrel sFH 18 to 150 mm. Thereafter the gun was mounted on the Tiger II. Be careful the anti tank shells of this weapon were differents from the anti aircraft shells and more powerful.
Technical Data Caliber 8 8mm Length. 6.61 m Length of the tube 5.126m Weight. 4,715 kgs Scoring Azimut - 8 + 40, 360 ° Site V / O piercing shells 1130m/ second HE shells 952m/ second Weight 10 kg projectile perforating 9.5 kg explosive Penetration of 184 mm / a 2000 m Range maximum 15 Km
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