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English Translation C’est un sous marin de poche avec un seul homme d’équipage de 10.5 mètre de long mu par un moteur électrique de 14 CV qui se derrière le pilote qui actionne une hélice tripale alors que les batteries occupent toute la partie avant du sous marin. Le Molch possède un tourelleau de qui culmine à 3.5m de haut Ce tourelleau possède un dôme en plexiglas qui permet une vision de 360 ° ![]() Ce qui influe sur le rayon de braquage de l engin (50 et 200 mètres ) En fait ce sous marin de poche ne peut tourner que lorsqu’il est en surface ou en plongée à vue
La transformation et l’entraînement a eu lieu à Eckernfoerde un port qui se trouve sur la mer Baltique à 30 kms au nord de Kiel où l’on trouve une Base expérimentale de torpilles (Torpedoversuchsanstalt ou TVA)
Autre Photoscope ( Other WAlk Around 1 2
THE MOLCH (Salamander)
Is a one-man, midget submarine. It is 10.5 meters long. It was powered by one, 13.9 HP electric motor who is behind the operator sat .turning a single, three-bladed propeller, which is in turn powered by racks of batteries. The front section of the boat held a large battery and behind the battery was the operator's position in a superstructure consists of a cupola about 13.5 meters high. It has small plexiglass windows all around. It has two speeds: dead slow (3-4 knots) and ¾ speed (6-7 knots) He has a endurance of 24 hours for a range of 40 miles at 5 knots. ![]() At most this problem we find a problems of carbon dioxide, the coxswain wore an oxygen mask and utilized six oxygen tanks. Thus he has 50 hours of breathing time.
He can dive at 60 meters. But he was in security at 40 meters There was a small-scale depth gauge market to 50 meters and a large scale marked up to 15 meters. Scuttligesng Char:
He has 2 electric torpedoes slung from rails on either side of the submarine. The coxswain fired this torpedeos by two pedals in the control room which release a block on the rails and at the same time start the motors. If only one torpedo is fired, it is essential to use immediately the hydroplane to prevent her surfacing.
The first of 393 boats were delivered june 12th 1944 by AG Weser in Bremen The Molch at war Training Transformation an training took place at Eckernfoerde a town at 30 kms at the north of Kiel where we found a Torpedo Experimental Establishment (Torpedoversuchsanstalt orTVA)
In late July 1944 was only one Molch available for training, but by early September three were available. But the training base was too far from Surendorf: the boats were transferred to Surendorf where all training was thereafter carried out . At the end of July, 1944 the 1st MOLCH Flotilla was constituted with 33 men who could be later six transferred to the 2nd Flotilla. This 1st Flotilla was divided into 8 groups of which two, under the supervision of one officer, were always taken together for practical training Organization of this 1st Flotilla under the command of a Senior Officer, Flotilla Engineer, 32 men and 180-200 support personnel 40 truck drivers and 2 or 3 cooks. 2nd thru 5th Flotillas started progressively they training . War operations Around 6 or 7 September 1944 the 1st Flotilla boarded a special train to go to the North of Italy. They arrive at Capo di David near of Verona, where you are divided into two groups. The larger go to Adriatic and Venice was attacked. , and the second group go to San Remo. Where he arrive on September 24th They take part of the K-Verband 411 flotilla Immediatley on September 25th 1944 morning the commanding officer, Lt. HILLE with 7crafts go with his men along the coast as far as Ventimiglia to give them an idea of its appearance. The priority target is the traffic in Nice Bay, and the second target is an M.G.B depot ship lying in Villefranche Bay In the nigth they attacked allied battleships, losing ten out of the twelve Molch submarines in the flotilla. After, two were sunk by allied warship bombardment in San Remo Other Molch flotillas were sent to Holland in December 1944, but were also unsuccessful. From January to April 1945, Molch the sunk only seven small ships. Due to the ineffectiveness of the Molch in combat operations, it was later used only as a training vessel
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