Pologne HSW Samobieżna Haubica Krab

Pologne HSW Samobie?ny  Haubica Krab Eurosatory 2012
English Translation


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REGINA" program - Modernization of Polish Artillery


In  2005 Polish Army was equipped with former Sovieet materails) :
  2S1 GVOZDIKA   509
 152 mm SPH „Dana   111
 122 mm MLRS GRAD BM 21 and RM-70   257
 120 mm
Mortars 161

Weapons systems "Regina"  Previews

1) Self-propelled  120mm motar on wheel (Wolverine APC) propably more then 80 "Cancer" 120mm motar will by buy

2)Self-propelled 120mm motar tracks chassis - "RAK" program ("Cancer")

3)Rosomak 120 mm wheeled self-propelled mortar carrier armoured vehicle MSPO

4) B
M-21 GRAD will be replaced by 120mm MLRS WR-40 "LANGUSTA" ("Crayfish") 72 WR-40 "Crayfish" MLRS, but in plans polish artilery HQ wants ~110-120 WR-40.

5) 2S1 122mm will be replaced by 155mm SPH "KRAB" ("Crab") 2016 they will be 16 SPH "Crab" in Polish Army, in target more then 48 SPH.

52mm Cheh wv.77 SPH Dana will be replaced by 155mm wheel SPH "KRYL" ("Krill")  but this program have now low priority, becouse all "Dana" in Polish Army are quite fresh. About 100 "Krill" wil be buy for polish army. 5.

7) 9K76 Toczka will be repalced by HOMAR ("Lobster" MLRS 227(300mm)/600(607mm).This program have higt priority. Propably 16-24 this MLRS system whit USA 607mm rocket system from MLRS will be buy



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Principaux Collaborateurs:

Gimeno Claude (+)
Brams Jean Marie
Janier Charles
Vincent Burgat
Jean Pierre Heymes
Marie Christophe
Jouhaud Remi
Gris Patrice
Luc Druyer
Lopez Hubert
Giugliemi Daniele
Laurent Bouysse

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