Type 59 Pekin

Type 59 Pekin
English Translation
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Type 59 MBT

The Type 59 MBT was developed and built by NORINCO from earlier Soviet supplied T-54s and later model T-54As.He was in many aspects, similar with the Soviet T54s.

Type 59
Type 59 A New internal engineering and equipment New 100 m gun stabilized in both elevation and traverse
Type 59 B 105-mm gun fitted with the normal fume extractor and thermal sleeve
Type 59 C 105-mm L7A3 rifled tank gun.
Type 59 D  IR18 Thermal Imager (UK). based thermal fire control system. The thermal sensor for the system was mounted on a bracket on the left side of the mantlet and moves with the 105-mm gun.
Type 59  E Anti Aircraft Tank with  Marksman Turret fitted with a twin 35-mm air defense turret
Type 59 Basic ARV.  This ARV was a tank Type 59 with its turret removed and armed with a 12.7-mm MG .This ARV has not winch and is limited to towing operations.

Technical data
Crew 4
Weight, 36 Tons.
Length, 6.04 meters.
Width, 3.27 meters.
Height,2.2 meters.
Ground clearance, 0.425 meters.
Fuel capacity tanks, 815 liters.
Fuel capacity external tanks, 400 liters.
Normal range, 420-440 km.
Maximum range with long fuel tanks, 600 km
Maximum road speed, 40-50 km/h.
Trench cross 2.7-meter trench.
Ford 1.4 meters without snorkel.
Ford 5.5 meters with preparation.
Climb  60% grade
Main Armament 100-mm Type 59 rifled gun / 34 rounds.
Secondary Armament. 12..7-mm anti-aircraft Type 54 MG
                                   7.62-mm Type 59T MGn at the bow
                                   7.62-mm 59T machine gun mounted coaxially to the right of the main armament.

Recent T-59 production models have infrared searchlights mounted above the main armament that moves in elevation with the main armament. A laser rangefinder fitted to some models right of the infrared searchlight mounted over the main armament.
New night vision equipment that includes new periscopes for the commander, gunner and driver  but fitted on thirty models only

 Countries with Type 59 tanks in service Albania
China Congo
North Korea Pakistan
Tanzania Vietnam



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La plupart des photographies publiées sur ce site sont la propriété exclusive de © Claude Balmefrezol
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Principaux Collaborateurs:

Gimeno Claude (+)
Brams Jean Marie
Janier Charles
Vincent Burgat
Jean Pierre Heymes
Marie Christophe
Jouhaud Remi
Gris Patrice
Luc Druyer
Lopez Hubert
Giugliemi Daniele
Laurent Bouysse

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