Mitragliatrice Scotti Isotta-Fraschini 20-70 M 19

Mitragliatrice Scotti Isotta-Fraschini  20-70 M 1941
English Translation
Merci à Giorgio Brigga

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Cette arme de défense anti aérienne était alimentée par des chargeurs de 12 coups . Ces chargeurs avaient une particularité
Une fois les couips tirés les douilles restaient sur la lame chargeur , tout comme sur la Mitragliatrice Breda M 25 de 20/65


Mitragliatrice Breda M 25 de 20/65

Ces deux arms avaient d'ailleurs les memes mode de fonctionnement et les memes performances
L'affut Trépide pouvait recevoir un train de roulement à roue
Elle était destinée à défendre des objectif contre des avions évoulant à basse altitude


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The company of Alfredo Scotti in Brescia, patented an original mechanism of a lock closing for automatic weapons at the end of 20's. This solution was introduced in many weapons, from small caliber to 40mm. In the 30's tthe company Isotta Fraschini in Milano bought the right to build all the Scotti's weapons, and they were developed and improved. The first model of 20/70 IF (1934) was chambered for the 20x110RB Oerlikon cartridges supplied from 60 round drum magazine. After the adoption by navy and army of Breda 20/65 fed with cartridges 20x138B, the SI-F was forced to change the ammunition adopting the 12 round strip magazine, as used for the Breda ,to uniform feeding popular AA guns' system. In 1938,army and navy oredered some S-IF gun : 50 with a wheel carriage, and 150 with a navy gun pod. In 1939 the gun was again improved, and produced as modello 39. The final model appeared in 1941, and was reproduced by Societa Anonima OM (Officine Meccaniche) in Brescia, and by CEMSA(Caproni Elettro Meccanica Societa Anonima) in Saronno, marked as modello 41. Very often Navy used Breda gun pod with S-IF gun. Twin guns were also built. Some developed as quadruple guns (like German Flakvierling) were mounted on M15/42 tank.In 1943 DICAT (Difesa Contro Aerei Territoriale = anti aircraft territorial defence) has 545 S-IF mod 39 and 41. Used also as a board defense weapon of Savoia Marchetti SM84. Almost 50 guns delivered to Holland were used to protect industrial objects near Zaandam, during Blitzkrieg in 1940.After 8 september 1943, German produced S-IF under designation : 2cm FlaK Scotti(i). At the beginnig of 1945 Luftwaffe AA units have in service about 500 SI-F guns. TOWING VEHICLES : SPA CL39 ( MarS catnr 7276, 7277 )


Poids 227,5 kg
Longueur 2275 mm dont canon  1540 mm
Calibre 20 mm
Munizioni 20 × 138 mm B poids projectile 136 g (munition complète, 330 g)
Cadence 250 colpi/min
V° 840 m/s
Portée max 5500 m
Elevatione -10°/+85°
Azimut 360°
Refroidissement Air



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Principaux Collaborateurs:

Gimeno Claude (+)
Brams Jean Marie
Janier Charles
Vincent Burgat
Jean Pierre Heymes
Marie Christophe
Jouhaud Remi
Gris Patrice
Luc Druyer
Lopez Hubert
Giugliemi Daniele
Laurent Bouysse

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