KS1 Boets za Svobodu, tovarishch Lenin Kubinka

KS1 Boets za Svobodu, tovarishch Lenin Kubinka
English Translation

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Actual production of the Russian Renault commenced in May 1920, and by August of that same year the first tank rolled off the assembly line and was ready for field trials on August 31. Trials continued until October 12, whereupon the first tank was christened "Fighter for Freedom, comrade Lenin" (Boets za Svobodu, tovarishch Lenin) and was presented to Lev Trotsky, head of the Red Army. By May 1921, all fifteen tanks originally ordered by the Armour Section of the Main Administration for Military Engineering (Glavnoie voienno-inzhenernoie upravliennie) had been built, which included the complete overhaul of the original French template. However, due to deficiencies and production problems at the Putilov factory, only twelve modified 37mm Hotchkiss guns could be delivered in addition to one 37mm Puteaux SA18 salvaged from a destroyed French tank. Two of the Hotchkiss guns later turned out to be defective and as a result only eleven of the finished tanks had the required 37mm armament. Furthermore, the lack of sufficient 8mm Hotchkiss machine guns meant that only eight tanks could be manufactured with the planned combined armament, three with 37mm guns only and three more delivered without any weapons (there is some confusion regarding the status of the final tank).




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Principaux Collaborateurs:

Gimeno Claude (+)
Brams Jean Marie
Janier Charles
Vincent Burgat
Jean Pierre Heymes
Marie Christophe
Jouhaud Remi
Gris Patrice
Luc Druyer
Lopez Hubert
Giugliemi Daniele
Laurent Bouysse

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