Héritier d'une longue tradition remontant à l'antiquité, mais profondément remanié et mis en ouvre à partir de la 2° partie du XIX° siecle et surtout durant la 1° Guerre Mondiale ,le service de santé des armées a pour mission d'assurer le secours aux des combattants partout et en permanence. que ce soit en temps de paix comme en temps de guerre, en s'appuyant sur un principe qui lui est propre Tout le monde ami ou ennemi est semblable dans le malheur Protégé par la Convention de Genève il doit prendre en charge le bléssé le plus rapidement possible et dans les meilleurs conditions.
Présent à tous les échelons hiérarchiques, il dispose pour cette mission de personnel et de matériels de haut niveau, mis directement à la disposition des forces et eux-mêmes soutenus par ses moyens organiques propres: les hôpitaux, le ravitaillement sanitaire, la recherche médicale, les écoles de formation et différents organismes spécialisés. L'ensemble forme donc un tout autonome, complémentaire et indissociable, dont la raison d'être et la cohérence se trouvent dans la définition de sa mission première et dans la vocation de dévouement et d'humanité au service des hommes, caractéristique commune du personnel qui le compose. Présent à tous les niveaux dans les corps de troupes le Service de Sante des Armées possède aussi 2 Régiments médicaux qui sont des unités spécifiquement sanitaires et qui sont déploées sur le terrain : Le 1er Régiment Médical (1er RMED) de METZ Le 3e Régiment Médical (3e RMED) de LYON
Les Régiments médicaux de l 'Armée française
Insigne du 1° Régiment Médical
Insigne du 3° Régiment Médical
The HMC (military hospital campaign)
As heir to a long tradition dating back to ancient times, but substantially revised and implemented in from the 2 ° part of the 19th century and especially during WW1 , the sanitaries forces provide mission to help the fighters everywhere and at all times.
Whether in times of peace and in times of war, based on a principle of its own Everyone friend or ennemy is similar in misfortune Protected by the Geneva Convention he must take charge of the injured as well as possible and in the best conditions.
Present at all levels, it provides for the mission personnel and the high-level materials, made directly available forces themselves and supported by its own organic: hospitals, medical supplies, medical research, training schools and various organizations.
The whole constitute, a self-complementary and inseparable, whose rationale and consistency an to be in the service of the man .It is one of its primary mission and the mission of dedication and humanity , common characteristic of staff which it is composed. Present at all levels in the French Army the Service de Sante des Armées has also 2 Regiments who were medical units that able to be deploy on theatres of operations The 1st Regiment Medical (1 RMED) METZ
The 3rd Medical Regiment (3rd RMED) LYON
Badge of 1 ° Medical Regiment
Creates on July 1st 1992 it is the inheritor of the CEF medical battalions in Italy in 1943 1944 You can find in the insignia the French Coq of the CEF They claimed the French troops from Cassino to Rome and Siena.
It is formed from elements - 601st Cie. Ravitaillement sanitaires from Bühl, - 21st Cie médicale de Neustrien -Groupement medical del Sedan. It is barracked at Châtel St Germain near Metz. His flag bears the following inscription Italy 1943 1944, and its motto is Everywhere For All Composition The regiment is divided into 7 companies, with 1130 personnel who are allocated as follows: 41 officers, 187 non-commissioned officers, 870 other ranks and 32 civilian personnel. Its materials are transport trucks TRM 2 military hospitals Campaign (HMC) and éléments techniques modulaires (ETM) It is aerotransportable It has been deployed in many overseas operations in the Entire World, it is assigned to the 1 ° Logistics Brigade (BL) Montlhéry
Badge of 3rd Medical Regiment
Created on July 1st , 2001 he is the heir of the companies in the health service in Indochine see the presence of the Dragon on the badge it was established on 1/7/1999 It is based in The It si barrackes à la Valbonne near Lyon and is assigned to the 2 ° BL St Médard in Jalles
The size of the 3rd Regiment Medical Officer 35 NCO 142 enlisted men 732. It is composed of 4 medical battalions, and a company command and logistics. In addition it is responsible for setting up the 2nd Regiment medical unit réserve. Since July 1st 2002, the 3rd Régiment medical was responsible for the establishment of 2 ° Medical Regiment (reserve unit). Nearly 1000 men, and major equipment: ETM 32 d 700 vehicles including 32 logistics vehicles with trailers, 36 VAB san and 136 specialized ambulances:
Missions of the medical Regiments The main mission is to support health to the fighter who should be ensured to be treated as soon as possible and enjoy the medico-surgical techniques the most modern.Recent events have highlighted the need for a medical regiment able to comduct performing missions both in the context of external intervention than in humanitarian actions.A battalion medical of 166 persons is composed of 2 collecting sections in care of retrieve the wounded to the medical regiment posts, a decontamination section, and a sorting section whose mission is to differentiate emergencies, treat extreme cases and condition of the wounded for their evacuation to hospitals in the rear or on the mainland. This section can treat 12 extreme urgency and sort 300 wounded /24 hours.This collecting Section consists of 3 groups of 5 sanitary vehicles can evacuate 60 wounded by rotation and 3 groups of 3 mobile-aid stations that come nearest to, support regiments.
A medical battalion, with its operational complement of medical and paramedical personnel, reached a strength of 413 persons
The HMC is a set of shelters which run on TRM trucks and form a modular structure with operations room treatment room and dental practice it is rarely deployed for exposure, therefore I have been lucky to be able to shoot
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