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Pour lutter contre les infiltrations des spetnazts ou des troupes des GOM (Groupes opérationnels de manœuvre) l'OTAN a testé et fabriqué toute une panoplie d'armements pour se déplacer rapidement sur n'importe quel point de son territoire menacé par les incursions ennemies. Ainsi sont nés les LAV les AMX 10 RC et plus récemment le Centauro. La géographie physique de l'Italie avec son territoire allongé, avec de grandes façades maritimes a obligé l'Etat-Major Italien à émettre une feuille de voeux pour un matériel rapide pouvant se déplacer rapidement d'un bout à l'autre du territoire en utilisant au maximum le réseau autoroutier italien. Ce moyen devait être puissamment armé. En effet les troupes blindées italiennes armées avec les chars M. 60 et Léopard montent la garde au Nord de la péninsule face au désert des Tartares. Equipage 4 + 4 passagers pour la version longue. Centauro B1 short and long 105 mm
To combat the infiltration of troops or spetnazts of GOM (Group operational maneuver) NATO has tested and manufactured a variety of weapons to move quickly on any part of its territory threatened by the enemy incursions. Thus were born the LAV the AMX 10 RC and more recently Centauro. The physical geography of Italy with its territory stretched, with large coastlines forced the Italian HQ to issue a sheet of wishes for a speedy vehicle that can move quickly from one end to another in the territory maximum use of the Italian motorway network. This vehicle could be powerfully armed. Indeed Italian armored troops armed with tanks M. Leopard 60 and up custody north of the peninsula facing the Desert of the Tartars
Conception. In the early of the 80th consortium Iveco Fiat Oto Melara (aujourdh'hui OtoBreda) explores a whole new family of vehicles e that would include light armoured 4x4, the Model 6634 will become a Puma armoured 6x6 type 6636 and a 8x8 Model G 6638, which gave birth to Centauro. In 1986 is the first Mock up of this materiel follow in 1987 by the the realisation of the first prototype. In 1990 450 vehicles were ordered. (Subsequently reduced to 400) Production ended in 1996 The Spanish army was acquired for its machines to 87 between 1999 and 2002 currently it is tested by the Us Army for experimentation for his lights brigades. Characteristics There are two types of gear the first batch to number 250 along 7.40 metres and then gear were lengthened by 23 cm Place won enables the carriage of four soldiers who sit on small folding seats. The engine is a diesel IVECO to 6 cylinder in V of 520 HP forward. The pilot is on the left. The running gear has eight-wheel drive The destruction of a wheel not burden the tactical capabilities of the vehicle. It also has a central regulation of the air pressure. The turret is armed with a 105 mm cannon / 52 long recoil with a muzzle brake allowing the chassis to cushion the recoil of the arms The bord cheif is on the right side of the turret The firing system Galileo is identical to that of Ariete MBT. The enhancements optronic optics and electronics are present This vehucle was deployed in overseas operations in Kosovo, Bosnia Somalia. He also witnessed the baptism of fire in Somalia in Mogadishu on July 2sd 1999.During the Operations in Irak 12 Centauro would be deployed Additional armour plates were subsequently mounted on the vehicle be carefull the Centauro his never peinted in NATO European Camo .
He keeps his green Italian army Technical Data Sheet Length 7.40 or 7.63 m with the hit 8.26 or 8.63m Width 2.95m H 2. 74m Weighing 25 t Iveco 6-cylinder engine V TCA TD of 520 horses Gear box 5 foward 2 back Speed 105 km / hr Autonomy 800 km Weapon 1 105 mm/52 and 7 1MG 7.62 coaxial + 2 on the turret behind a shield Crew 4 + 4 passengers for the long version. Autres Photoscopes Others Walk Around
Centauro 2 Eurosatory 2018 Centauro B 1 Esercito Italiano Centauro B1 105 mm Ejercito Espanol Centauro B1 canon 120 mm Centauro B1 court et long 105 mm Draco Eurosatory 2010 Centauro VBM Freccia Tourelle HITFIST Eurosatory Centauro VBM Freccia Tourelle HITFIST Plus
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