Bombe Incendiaire 1939 Brandbomb 1 kg Elektron Londres

Bombe Incendiaire 1939 Brandbomb 1 kg Elektron Londres B1 E 1
English Translation

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Although the available high explosive types possessed great destructive power, perhaps the most potent of German bombs remained the tiny B1 El or Brandbomb 1 kg Elektron, a one kilogramme incendiary which, dropped in profusion, caused millions of pounds worth of fire damage and virtually burnt out whole districts of British cities. These devices, which burnt with a heat sufficient to melt steel, consisted of a cylinder of Elektron Magnesium Alloy with an incendiary filling of Thermite, the incendiary elements being ignited by a small percussion charge in the nose which fired on impact.




Later, in an attempt to make these weapons even more effective, and to defeat the fire-fighters efforts, the Germans introduced explosive charges into the nose or tail of some incendiary bombs, these devices incorporating a seven minute delay before the detonation occurred. Initially the Luftwaffe employed expendable, aimable types of container to carry and drop their small incendiary bombs, these being designed to hold some 36 B1 El's, but as the war continued larger re-usable versions capable of carrying 140, and later 620, incendiaries became available.
Another weapon in the Luftwaffe's arsenal early in the war was a large incendiary device, the so called Oil Bomb, known to the Germans as the Flam or Flammenbombe. These contained an oil mixture and a high explosive bursting charge, and being based on the 250 kg, and later 500 kg, high explosive bomb case, were designated Flam 250 and Flam 500 respectively. They were fitted with an impact fuse which often failed to detonate, resulting in the case splitting open to disgorge the unignited contents. This defect was never successfully overcome and the Flambos were withdrawn from widespread use in January 1941.

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1937 Incendiary Bomb 25 lbs Londres Hendon
1937 Incendiary Bomb 4 lbs Londres Hendon
1945 Incendiary Bomb 4 lbs Cluster 800 lbs Londres Hendon
1942 Bombe Incendiaire 1.8kg 4 lb IWM
Bombe Incendiaire 1939 Brandbomb 1 kg Elektron Londres
Bombe Flammembom 500 Les Invalides


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Principaux Collaborateurs:

Gimeno Claude (+)
Brams Jean Marie
Janier Charles
Vincent Burgat
Jean Pierre Heymes
Marie Christophe
Jouhaud Remi
Gris Patrice
Luc Druyer
Lopez Hubert
Giugliemi Daniele
Laurent Bouysse

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