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Le Landing Craft Flak (LCF) fut une conversion du LCT 3 et 4afin de procurer un support anti aérien lors d'un débarquement . ils furent utilisés pour la premèer fois à Dieppe en 1942 . la rampê fut enlevé et il fut construit un pont supérieur comme sur un pétrolier . sur ce pont fut monté duveres pieces d'artillerie anti aérienne avec nottament 8 20 mm Oerlikon 4 QF 2 pd Pompom The Landing Craft Flak (LCF) was a conversion of the LCT that was intended to give anti-aircraft support to the landing. They were first used in the Dieppe Raid early in 1942. The ramp was welded shut, and a deck built on top of the Tank deck. They were equipped with several light anti-aircraft guns—a typical fitting was eight 20 mm Oerlikons and four QF 2 pdr "pom-poms" and had a crew of 60. On British examples, the operation of the craft was the responsibility of RN crew and the guns were manned by Royal Marines. They carried two naval officers and two marine officers
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