Casque 2.1 Infanterie Type Niederbieber

Casque Type Niederbieber
English Translation
Merci à Armae pour son autorisation pour les photographies   

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Le Casque romain type Niederbieber (également Rainau-Buch/Niederbieber) était une casque des légions et les troupes auxiliaires.Son nom provient du Fort de Niederbieber  située sur le Limes supérieur de Germlarnie detruit en  260. Les  Casques de ce type sont considérées comme le dernier avatar du type Imperial gaulois Le modèle Niederbieber fut utilisé de la fin du 2e  au 3e siècle
Le Casque Niederbieber est en tole ou bronze il sont haut avec un  couvre nuque allongé vers le bas.Il est tres important et il se courbe presque à angle droit . La calotte fabriquée en 2 parties est renforcée par une crèete en forme de croix qui regidifi l'ensemble et fait devier les coups vendant du dessus. les parejoues sont tres volumineux Les oreilles sont degagées mais en meême temps protégées . Ils sont reliées entre eux via une laniere ne cuir . ; Il y a 3x troux pour la fixation ce qui est une caractéristique typique de tous les casques Weisenau
Ce système de fixation empeche le casque de glisser ou de se deplacer.
Ce type de casque est considéré comme rare  Certains le voit comme un casque de cavalaier comme H. Russell Robinson d'autres comme Marcus Junkelmann  le classe comme casque d'infanterie . Aujourd'hui, il est admis que le casque a servit dans les 2 corps
Les casques tyepe Rainau-boch- Niedermörmter et Niederbieber appartiennent au dernier developpement du typeWeisenau. Les casque type Niederbieber  se caractérisent par un renforcement de la protection de la zone du menton joue   et ilo est apparu à la fin du 2ème siècle
La production
Depuis la découverte de ce type de casque Niederbieber en bonze dans un puits du fort de Neiderbeiber l'etude  de cette forme de casque a avancé  Ce casque de bronze est incomplet  car il manque les pare- joues


The Roman helmet type Niederbieber (also Rainau-Buch/Niederbieber ) was a protective weapon of legions and auxiliary troops. Name derives from the locality was of n 260. Chr. Destroyed fort Niederbieber the Upper Germanic Limes. Helmets of this type are considered as the latest form of the typical kaiser time-Gallic helmet type Weisenau which is palpable from the late Republican period in the find material. The type Niederbieber was in the late 2nd and 3rd centuries in use. During the late antiquity then found completely new helmet forms the entrance to the Roman military system.
Helmets type Niederbieber consist of sheet bronze and possess a relatively flat piece with a extremely pulled down nape. The subsequent wide neck guard is bent projecting flat and back down. On the dome there is a manufactured from two metal sheets cross-strap, which makes as a reinforcing protection of the helmet slide one fell swoop from above. The temple, which extends over the apex line starts at the forehead and ends in the neck area. He is attached to the front and rear ends, each with a large cone-shaped bronze rivets. Another smaller ridge runs from the right to the left side of the helmet and crossed at the apex of the other comb. The ends of the comb are soldered to the cap. The ear region is widely excised and the edges are roundish blunted, to protect the ears from injury. On the right and left wide cheek guards are mounted with the help of hinges. To fasten the helmet on the wearer's head, a leather strap was pushed by fastening rings under the neck guard and then guided forward crosswise through the eyelets at the bottom of the cheek, and finally tied. This three-point hitch was a typical feature of all Weisenau helmets and prevented that the helmet could be slippage or moved.
This type of helmet is considered quite rare find object and is scientifically assessed differently. During the Roman weapons experts H. Russell Robinson understood the Niederbieber as a rider helmet, looked at him Marcus Junkelmann as infantry helmet. Today however, most believed that the Niederbieber helmet also found the use of both cavalry in the infantry as. In addition to models from Rainau-Buch and also the type Niedermörmter Niederbieber belongs to the late models of Weisenau. The heavily armored helmets type Niederbieber with its strongly pronounced, in the chin area overlapping cheek emerged at the end of the 2nd century  and were up to the introduction of the new late antique helmet shapes from the Spangenhelmen type Der-el-Medineh about 270 n. Chr. in the find material appeared worn.
Since the discovery of a bronze helmet type Niederbieber which came apparently as a semi-finished product into a well of the camp village of Rainau book,.the research may have also gained over the course of a manufacturing process knowledge. This bronze


helmet is missing several items that were in further steps need to be applied. Thus, the carrying handle on the wide, sloping neck guard, for already the two eyelets were installed, the crossed brass bracket on the dome and in the type Niederbieber very pronounced, flared and the end towards the middle tapering horizontal trim strip. The data necessary for the provision of these items holes in the dome were also not available yet.


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Principaux Collaborateurs:

Gimeno Claude (+)
Brams Jean Marie
Janier Charles
Vincent Burgat
Jean Pierre Heymes
Marie Christophe
Jouhaud Remi
Gris Patrice
Luc Druyer
Lopez Hubert
Giugliemi Daniele
Laurent Bouysse

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