Le L. C. M. 3 (Ouistreham)
English Translation
Les opérations amphibies ne datent pas d'aujourd'hui et ce n'est pas la deuxième guerre mondiale qui a le privilège du débarquement.
Pour moi et pour l'histoire avec un grand H , les premières opérations de débarquement Européennes datent de 3000 ans avec l'attaque de Troie par les Grecs .En effet pour venger l'honneur du roi de Sparte Ménélas son frère Agamemnon roi de Mycènes rassemble une force amphibie en 1183 avant Jésus-Christ pour attaquer Troie ou règne Priam. Les Grecs traversent la mer Égée et débarquent sur les plages à côté de Troie la guerre va durer 10 ans.
Après 700 ans le roi des Perses Darius lance une attaque contre les Grecs en 490 avant Jésus-Christ. Il fat construits spécialement une flotte amphibie pour attaquer Athènes et ses arsenaux développent les ancêtres des LCM et notamment des bateaux qui peuvent transporter des chevaux des LCH ou Landing Craft Horses Mais cela ne sert à rien car Darius a été battu avant que la flotte ne puisse débarquer.
Autre action en 414 avant Jésus-Christ lorsque les athéniens durant la guerre du Péloponnèse décident de attaquer Syracuse en Sicile mais celle-ci est aidée par les Spartiates se défend et les athéniens sont battus.
En 55 avant Jésus-Christ Jules César débarque temporairement en Grande-Bretagne avec 2 légions il repart rapidement mais revient l'année d'après pour battre le chef breton Cassioelannus.
Durant 300 rien et il faut attendre 789 après Jésus-Christ lorsque les Vikings arrivent sur leur drakkars.
En 1066 nous assistons au seul débarquement réussi sur les cotes anglaises lorsque Guillaume le Conquérant traverse le Channel avec son armée pour s'emparer du pouvoir en Angleterre. Il amène avec lui une flotte de bâtiments très similaires de ceux utilisés de nos jours et à Hasting Guillaume défait Harold.
En juillet 1346 commence la guerre de 100 ans lorsque Edouard III et son armée envahissent la Normandie.
Nous arrivons maintenant en 1588 avec l’Invincible Armada et ses bâtiments de transport et de guerre se dirigeant vers l'Angleterre. Mais la tempête et la flotte anglaise menée par Drake écartent le danger.
Nous passons en Méditerranée en 1775 avec les Espagnols qui décident d'envoyer une expédition contre Les Barbaresques 400 navires dont 40 de guerre à débarquent au Maroc des troupes mais en juillet le même débarquement dans la baie d'Alger tourne au désastre.
Nous arrivons maintenant pendant la période napoléonienne et la menace que fait peser la Grande Armée stationnée à Boulogne sur l'Angleterre en 1804.
Après les opérations de Crimée entre 1851 et 1853 nous arrivons à la Première Guerre Mondiale ou le seul débarquement fut celui de Gallipoli en 1915
Et nous voici à la 2° Guerre Mondiale.
Les bâtiments de débarquement de la deuxième guerre mondiale.
La deuxième guerre mondiale a vu d'importantes opérations amphibies dans le monde entier (MTO ETO PTO).
Ces opérations de débarquement complexes ont obligé les alliés à développer une vaste armada de navires de débarquement Parmi ces navires de débarquement nous trouverons.
Quand vous trouvez la lettre C (pour Craft ) au lieu de la lettre S (pour ship) nous avons affaire à un bateau plus petit mais qui a les mêmes missions que son grand frère.
LCM Mark II |
Higgins |
Chantiers Higgins |
Source Internet |
LCM 6 |
Caractéristiques LCM Mk III
Constructeur Higgins
Equipage 5
Longueur: 15,94 m
Largeur: 4,29 m
Tirant d’eau : avant : 0,91 m arrière : 1,22 m
Déplacement vide 26 tonnes, pleine charge 52 tonnes
2 moteurs diesel de 110/225 HP
Autonomie 850 milles /6 nœuds
500 milles /7 nœuds
140 milles /11 nœuds
Armement : 2 MG seulement version US
Autres photoscopes Others Walk Arounds 1 2
Lien à consulter
The amphibious operation is not new. It is not WW 2 who have the privilege of the landing because for me and the History with a Big H
the first operation take place 3000 years ago with the Attakc against Troy by the continental GreeksTo avenge his honnor Sparta king Menelas with his brother Agamemnon quickly assembled an amphibious force with the help of other Greek rules, and, in 1183 B.C. they attack Troy city of Priam The Greeks crossed the Aegean Sea and hit the beach near Troy. The war will be continued ten years
After 700 years later the Persian King Darius, launched a water-borne attack against the Greeks in 490 B.C. Darius constructed an especially designed amphibious fleet for an attack on Athens. His shipbuilders developed a very remote ancestor to the LCM, a landing craft with a runway to let horses ashore. This "LCH" (landing craft, horse) failed to conquer the Greeks, however, and Darius made his landing only to be defeated.
Another action in 414 B.C. was the siege of Syracuse in Sicily by the Athenians , but failed to take the city
In 55 B.C. Julius Caesar landed temporary two legions in Britain, but withdrew them after a short while but an year later he return and defeat the English “king” Cassioelaunus.
During 300 years nothing and in 789 A.D. the Vikings or North men arrived with their shallow-draft dragon-ships (drakkar)
In 1066 we found one of the most historically important water borne invasions when William the Conqueror crossed the English Channel to Britain with his army His boats were comparable in length to the smaller landing boats used today and were driven up onto the beach by rowers and a "coxswain" who directed the boat with a large steering oar. At Hastings, William defeated Harold, This was the last successful invasion of England.
In July of 1346 Edward III, and his English army invaded Normandy. follow the beginning of the Hundred Years Wars.
You arrive now in summer 1588 when the Spanish Armada with warships and transports beat its way up the channel.
But the manoeuvrable English fleet with Drake smashed both the Spaniards' ships and their invasion hopes
In Mediterranean sea in 1775 the Spaniards sent 51 naval vessels and 344 transports to invade Morocco and smash the Moors. Early in July a landing was attempted in the Bay of AlgiersIt is an disaster
You arrive during the Napoleonic periods with the endeavour of the England invasion by french troops
During WW1 the only major sea-to-land invasion was the Gallipoli intervention in 1915 1916
We arrive in 1940
WW2 landing craft.
WW 2 has see very important seaborne operations in all the world (MTO ETO PTO ).
The complexity of landing operations led the Allies to develop a vast armada of warships of all types and formes .The main types of vessel are as follows
LSI (Landing Ships Infantry) navire de débarquement d’infanterie,
LSD (Landing Ships Dock) navire d’assaut,
LST (Landing Ships Tank) navire de débarquement de chars.
When you found the letter C for raft instead of letter S Ship it is a ship smallest but for the same missions
Internet Source |
They are lighter landing craft whose main mission is to put the first wave of assault.
They are also used for transhipment of men and equipment between heavy ships wet on the high seas (theoretically out of range of enemy artillery Coast) and the landing beaches and vice versa.
There are in this category, LCA and LCVP (LCA for the British and Americans for LCVP) for transporting infantry
The Landing Craft Mechanized (LCM) was a landing craft designed for carrying vehicles and he was used indifferently by the Bristish and the Americans
The LCM 3..
The LCM is studied in 1938 but it is based on previous studies and on the construction of a prototype barge developed in 1926 by JS White from Cowes.
Called MLC No. 1 (Motor Landing Craft), the barge could be used to transport men or vehicle.
Its weight of 18 tons makes it an important ship capable of carrying 100 men. Particularity This LCM was propelled by hydrojets . The raison During the standing operation the hydro jet are better that propellers . But the access slope is higher and there is a problem with the ground clearance for trucks . But in the years 1920 this problem is not important
In 1929, MLC Mark 10 is completed. Always propeled by hydrojets this ship built by Rowhedge Iron Works is able to carry 10 tons of cargo and a team of mules, it is produced 10 copies. But this boat is too slow (5 knots) and do not have good capabilities nautical
Its use in April 1940 in Narvik is not conclusive because all copies are lost as a result of the fighting or to poor weather conditions.
These losses did not allow the re-embarking tanks used during this campaign
The LCM Mark I built in 1938 leave the hydro jets system for the classis system of propellers .With 2 engines Thornycroft (60 HP) he reach a speed of 7.5 knots for a range of 56 mn with 14 t of payload
Built by Western Railway et South Railway at 500 copies il was since 1942 the unique brititsh LCM
LCM Mark II (Internet ) |
In 1940, the USMC order to firm Higgins 147 LCM Mk II.13.71 length it is capable of carrying a tank of 16 tonnes.
Higgins | Higgins Shipbuilding Yard |
American material is best planned than british material with best engines and a better stability but it is heaviest and he could be manoeuvred by ships with strong davits
It will be built in east 8 631 copies will be a great success.
In the morning of June 6th , LCM have the mission to transport armed allies some make crossing the English Channel
The LCM is 15.2 m long with a beam of 4.62. She weighs about 25 tons and has a cargo space for a 30-ton tank or 27.2T of cargo or 120 troops ashore on each run.
The motoristion consists in two 225-HP Gray Marine Diesels supplied by twin fuel tanks with a total capacity of 1880 liters at 10 miles per hour. The engine room is directly forward of the pilot house and whe can go into this room by a small hatch
Abaft the engine room is a second tiny compartment or space, the lazarette. The steering mechanism is located here. A second small hatch on the transom abaft the pilot house open into the lazarette
A four man crew is required to handle the LCM: a coxswain, engineer, and two deck hands. The coxswain contract the boat but also the manipulation of the ramp . When she was ready to lower it, he instructs one of the deckhands to release the ramp safety chain or hook, then depresses a foot pedal in the pilot house to free the ramp latch, engages the clutch of the ramp hoist control, and lowers away.
The pilot house is made of steel plate to protect the coxswain from the small arms fire when he his moving toward the beach. .
The LCM Mk III will give birth to a version called Mk 6, which will be built at 2 718 copies. It is longer than 2 metres and enables the carriage of a Sherman tank.
The transport of a Sherman aboard an LCM Mk III is delicat. There are only 20 cm between the walls of the barge and sides of the tank. In addition, a LCM 3 Mark III could not be handled by rough sea. And it could not be hoisted on davits with a tank in the LCM
LCM 6 |
The LCM mark 7 built for the PTO is more length (20 m)
Possibility of a LCM Mark 1
1 tank class 16 t
2 dukw
1dukw awith 25 livres gun
1 dukw with filed kitchen
2 anti tank guns 37 mm with tractors
1 anti tank gun 37 mm awith tractor and 2 jeeps
6 jeeps
1 HQ Car
2 Bren carriers
100 Mens
Possibility of a LCM Mark 3
Tank class 30 Tons ( but with precaution )
30 tons of pay load
60 men
Internet Source |
Tecnical Data
Constructeur Higgins
Crew 4
Length: 15,94 m
Beam : 4,29 m
Draugth Bows: 0,91 m stern: 1,22 m
Dsiplacment :empty 26 tons, full 52 tons
2 Engines diesel de 110/225 HP
Range 850 milles /6 Knots
500 milles /7 knots
140 milles /11 Knots
Weaponery: 2 MG only on US version
Link very interessant
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