1944 Armbinde des deutscher Wehrmacht Bovington
English Translation
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Popular item with black printed lettering “Deutsche Wehrmacht” (“German Armed Forces”) on a yellow cloth band. These were worn by civilian personnel working for the Armed Services
Military armbands were worn to emphasize the special nature of the support. There could be two reasons for this: either the carrier, was a soldier and had to exert a Temporary employment or the carrier was a civilian and was therefore official Wehrmacht and was therefore under the protection of the Hague Regulations and the Geneva Convention. The wearer could wear such an armband only for as long as he carried out the related activities. A few examples include inter alia :
Paramedic: Sanitäter:
Hilfskrankenträger Auxiliary stretcher-bearers", white, black Remote square with black, Gothic lettering, 41 x 10.3 cm, on right upper arm supported.
Rot-Kreuz-Armbinde Red Cross armband," bright, red cross on a white ground, of medical personnel, including drivers of ambulance vehicles, worn on the left arm.
Station staff: Bahnhofsbedienstete
Bahnhofskommandantur : Command Station", white armband with a black, double-spaced printed in the Latin alphabet.
Bahnhofswache: Guard Station", black, gothic lettering on a yellow background.These were used by members of the Armed Forces, including the Waffen-SS, to patrol and control Troop movement on railway stations of importance, especially at main line terminals
Bahnhofsoffizier: Station officer" (with unallocated number), white or yellow band with black, gothic inscription of Officers carried, These were used by members of the Armed Forces, including the Waffen-SS, to patrol and control Troop movement on railway stations of importance, especially at main line terminals
Ausladekommissar : worn by officers at stations to handle the loading of goods were responsible. White armband with black, latin characters, worn on the right upper arm.
Bhf O." (manchmal mit Nummer der Bahnhofskommandantur) Sometimes with the number of the station commander), white armband with a black, gothic Inscription, taken from the station staff, to March 1943, from then on"Bahnhofsoffizier" "station officer".
Transportführer Woven:Carrier", white armband with a black, gothic print also
Transportbegleitkommando : Transport escort commando", white armband with black, Latin imprint.
Transportsicherungskommando :Transportation safety command", white armband with black, Latin imprint.
Auxiliary volunteers: Hilfswillige:
Im Dienst der Deutschen Wehrmacht In the service of the German army", worn by people who are not German citizens, but in the service the Wehrmacht were without wearing German uniforms. Black, Latin letters on white Reason. Worn on the left arm.
Deutsche Wehrmacht" German Army", worn by people who belonged to the German army, but not soldiers or Officials were. Black Gothic letters on a light yellow band, worn on the left arm.
Police: Polizisten:
Feld-Gendarmerie Field Gendarmerie", worn by soldiers temporarily assigned to the Field Gendarmerie service did. Orange, Gothic letters on police green ribbon.
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Hilfsgendarmerie "Auxiliary police", worn by soldiers were doing helping out the police. Black letters on green ground.
Front- / Sammelstelle Front / collector ', light blue or blue-green with a yellow armband, Latin, two-line inscription.
Front- / Leitstelle"Front / control center", light blue or blue-green armband with yellow, sometimes white, Latin, two-line
Persons during a maneuver:
White bracelet (or armband), worn by referees during a maneuver. (At the same time was also wearing a white ribbon on the bonnet. See "White Hat Band"
Yellow Bracelet (13 cm wide), supported by the staff of the conductive bar during a maneuver. (Could not taken at stations, since it could lead to confusion with the station staff, as these also wore yellow armbands.)
Green Bracelet, worn by the crop damage (= Flurabschätzer) during and after a maneuver
Green and White bracelet, worn by non-executive Flurabschätzern during a maneuver. - White bracelet worn with service dress and field or baseball cap, worn by spectators. - White bracelet with "Press" with the stamp issuing unit, supported by press submitters.
Luftschutzbedienstete: Air defense officers:
Luftschutzleiter (LS-Leiter) Air Earth wore white armbands with medium blue, 1 cm wide rim strip, in the middle
Stellvertreter des LS-Leiters Deputy Head LS wore the same armband, but with a blue border strip 1.5 cm beside the Eagle. - Trim and Absperrdienste wore a dark blue armband with a 7.5 cm high "O".
Feuerlöschdienste Firefighting wore a red armband.
Ordnungs- und Absperrdienste Repair services wore a brown armband.
Entgiftungsdienste Detoxification services carried a white-black-white armband with 3, 4 and 3 cm wide strips.
LS-Veterinärdienste LS-veterinary services wore purple armbands.
LS-Sanitätsdienst: LS-aid:
Soldiers and members of the German Red Cross contributed Rotkreuzarmbinden (with stamp)
Male not members of the German Red Cross contributed "auxiliary stretcher-bearers" armbands (with stamp) c) not wearing
Female members of the German Red Cross blue armbands with a white cross.
Other armbands:
German Volkssturm worn by soldiers of the "Volkssturm", various designs.-
Trauer (arm )bänder Grief (poor) bands, black, 12 cm wide bands on the left arm above the elbow, to state funerals, or during parades Militärbegräbnissen after funerals, worn.
UvD"Unteroffizier vom Dienst; added the sergeant on duty, white or yellow armband with black printed text.
Deutsches Reichsheer Empire army", gray or field gray armband with black or purple, two-line printing.
PK Propagandakompanie, yellow armband with black print, Latin inscription, worn by the Propaganda Company.
Heeresverwaltung Military administration", gray with a black armband, woven, two-line, Gothic lettering.
AOK Armeeoberkommandos with a number of the Army High Command, supported by submitters War (also a war correspondent)