MAN 7t mil gl auf CL289 Aufklärungsdrohne
English Translation
Merci à Thomas Hartwig pour les photographies
Historique Voir ICI
History Click HERE
En 1975>MAN recçoit une commande pour 8634 camions leger de classe 7 ton mit gl en version 6x6 .Ce véhicule a la meme silouhette que le 5t mais il recoit un moteur plus puissant
Ce camion recit aussi la station de tir pour drone CL 289
En 1976 fut lance un problme qui n'aboutirra qu'ne 1986 avec la livraison à la Bundeswehr de 186 station de drone en 188
Le drone est long de 3.72 m et a une enverfgure de 1.32 pour uj poids de 340 kgs . il peut gace à ses cameras ou apprareil scanner et filmer à des alyitudes variant de 200 à 1200 m
Ce sytème fut retiré du service en 2009
In1975 MAN receive a contract for supply 8634 all terrain trucks middle class to Bundswehr 3460 turcks were truck 7t mil gl (6x6) He has the same structure as the 5t mil gl with a more powerful engine with 320 horsepower and a further driven rear axle.
This truck serves as a transport and launch the drone station CL-289 with a new platform to accommodate the launch pad, electronics, ramps, and folding ascents scheduling ..
In 1976 was placed in 1976 an order fir the development of this weapon But he receive a response only in 1986 The firts batch was manufactured from 1988 series and after Bundeswehr receive 186 drones
The drone starts starts with a solid rocket propulsion, flying with a jet engine and landed by parachute. It has a speed of 740km / h and with a flight time of about 30 minutes a reach of 400km. It is almost independent of the weather, has day and night operability and clears almost in real time.
It is 3.72 m long, has a wingspan of 1.32 meters and weighs 340kg maximum. It has an IR line scanner and a range camera, which can be used at altitudes of 200-1200m for reconnaissance.
In March 2009, after the last flight The drone CL-289, and the system was scrapped.