Phänomen 2000 S 2 t cargo
English Translation
Merci à Fabbio pour les photgraphies et la La Bleusaille pour son aide
Historique Voir ICI
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En 1938 est adopté le plan S (Schell) qui preboit une standardition de la production et la firme Phänomen n'echappe pas à ce plan . Elle doit adapter sa production aux normes edictées Vehicules d'une charge utile de 1.5 T avec une capacité tout terrain et une version tout chemin en 4x2 En 1939 apres 2 ans de test le Phänomen Granit 1500 entre en production en 2 versions
Version 1500 S version de base qui peut etre rapidement converti en 4x4
Version 1500 4 Version plus robuste et adaptée à la vie sous l'uniforrne tout terrain
la cabine est en metal mais à la fin 1943 apparait la version avec cabine en bois
Malgre les difficultés entre 1943 et le 8 mai 1975 895 vehiucles sortirent des chaines
1938 by the German government, a law for the central control of the motor vehicle industry adopted (Schell plan) to halt the variety and related spare parts provisioning stop. The Phänomenon works Zittau was transferred as part of the Schell Plan, the development and production of a commercial vehicle with a payload of 1.5 tons (1500kg), which provided both an off-road-capable basic variant with the drive configuration 4x2 and a four-wheel drive terrain model with the drive a 4x4. How could on 01.10.1941, after two years of testing and development, the Phänomen Granite 1500 go in series production. The following two types of phenomena were produced Granite 1500:
Main type of phenomenon granite 1500S, standard design for the business needs with reduced road capability, that is, the vehicles were superior to normal road vehicles and could be relatively quickly converted into a four wheel drive vehicle
Special Type Granite phenomenon 1500A, vehicle for special needs (military style) with all-wheel drive for high-road, that is, the vehicle was much cheaper than costly ATVs, but they came in his performance nearly equal
The cab was an all-metal design, but at the end of 1943, the wooden known by other vehicles or Behelfsfahrerhaus unit was used.
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Phanomen 2000 S 2 Tonnes Cargo