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Char Lourd M 60 a1 RISE Bovington

M 60 a1 RISE (Reliability Improved Selected Equipment  Passive) Bovington
English Translation

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En 1974/75  les chars furent mis au strandart RISE (Reliability Improved Selected Equipment  Passivep ) Ce programme prevoyait   un nouveau moteur avec maitenance plus facile En 1977, le M60A1 a de nouveau été mis à niveau avec des phare  IR passifs . Ceux-ci ont été désignés M60 M60A1 RISE / PASSIF
Tous M60A1s américains ont étémis à ce stanrdar Les adjonctions de blindage supplementaires venant plus tard . Il y avait même un plan visant à modidifer leschars M60A3TTS stationnées en Corée  mais la dotation en char  M1A1  était suffisante
À cette époque, les ancienq chars  recevaient  le   moteur t AVDS-1790-A / B version amélioré du AVDS-1790-C en echelon 2B ( Unités de soutien )  alors que les  Moteurs C et D ont été  placés en usine


In 1974/ 75 the RISE (reliability improvement of selected equipment) program featured a new engine configuration making among others, changing engines much easier. In 1977 the M60A1 was again upgraded with passive IR sights allowing for visibility during the night. These M60 were designated M60A1 RISE/ PASSIVE
All US M60A1s were brought up to RISE/Passive standards, the additional armor came later. There was even a plan to use the armor on US Army M60A3TTS tanks stationed in Korea but then with the drawdown, there were enough M1A1s to go around
At this time the older tanks were receiving engine upgrades whenever they received a new engine (these were AVDS-1790-a/b engines upgraded to AVDS-1790-c). The difference between the -c and -d engines are that -d engines were factory built, while -c engines were upgrades completed locally by general support maintenance companies