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Carro Comando M41 Rome

Carro Comando M41 Rome
English Translation
Merci à Fabbio de Modellismo Piu pour les photographies

Historique Voir ICI
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Article  paru ici
Le Char  Carro Comando M41
Ce char fut construit afin de pourvoir les batteries de semovente 75/18 d'un char de commandement . Comme le semovente il est basé sur la coque du char moyen M 13-40 ou M14-41.La première version était armée de mitrailleuses jumellées mais par la suite l'armement retenu fut la mitrialleuse Lourde Breda M 31 de 13.2mm
Le compartiment d cmat se trouve au centre dans le puit de tourellle fermé par 4 ecoutilles . le chef de char a à sa disposition un Goniometre incorporant un Gyrocompas , un telemetre  Dans l'habitable nous trouons des tables et 2 radios 
Chaque Bataillon de semovente recoit 4 Carro Di Commando  soit 1 par batterie Par la suite ces chars furent aussi en dotation dans lds bataillon de Semovente 90/53 


Carro Comando M41

The Carro Comando was created as a command vehicle for the Semovente 75/18. Like the Semovente 75/18 is based on the M13/40 or M14/41 medium tank series. The first version to see service retained the twin hull machine-guns of the tank, but later vehicles replaced this with a 13.2mm Breda modello 31 heavy machine-gun.
The fighting compartment under the turret ring was covered with four outward opening hatches. The commander had a goniometer (a direction finder incorporating a gyrocompass for establishing true north), ‘scissors’ telescope and a 1-meter rangefinder at his disposal. Maps and plotting equipment were carried in the fighting compartment as well as two radios Four Carro Comandos were assigned to each Semovente battalion, with one commanding each battery and two in the battalion command. Later Carro Comandos were also used to command Semovente 90/53 batteries.



Merci à Vincent pour son autorisation

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Semovente 75/18

Carro commando M 41