1829 Major Colours 2nd Bton 1st Foot Guard Londres
English Translation
The Duke of Wellington at the head of the 1st Foot Guards including the Colour Party, Hyde Park, 1829, as they pass King George IV with his staff and the Duke of Orleans while the band of the 2nd Life Guards perform. On the right of the picture is shown a Colonel of the 15th Hussars. Behind the figures can be seen Aspley House, the residence of the Duke of Wellington |
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Queen's Colours 2010 |
Les Anglais ont gardé les traditions des Drapeaux de l'époques Moderne . avec le Drapeau Colonel et le Drapeau d'Ordonnance soit en anglais King or Queen Colours et pour le drapeau Colonel et Regimental Colours pour le drapeau d 'ordonnance Contrairement aux regiments d'infanterie de la ligne, les régiments de la garde ont Les Drapeaux Colonels de couleur Rouge violet et les Drapeaux d'ordonnances basés sur l'Union Jack Les régiments de la Gardes ont des cartouches avec le noms de toutes les batailles qui ont vu la présence du régiment
In contrast with those of the line infantry regiments, the King's or Queen's Colours of Foot Guards regiments are crimson, and it is their Regimental Colours that are based on the Union Flag. Foot Guards regiments also emblazon the same honours (from all conflicts, including both World Wars) on both colours.
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